Due to confidentiality for our clients it is not possible to mention names of clients and projects. In case more information or references are required, you are kindly requested to contact us.
- Case Management of a dispute between an Offshore Contractor and a shipyard in Singapore. This arbitration started in 1996 and is one of the largest in the maritime history. Arbitration takes place in London(LMAA) under English Law. After many years of arbitration, it has been possible to establish a good settlement for our client, for a large part of the conflict.
- Case Management of a dispute between a Dutch offshore contractor and an English/Dutch oil company concerning additional work arising from the execution of a project in the Far East. This arbitration process started in 2003 in the Netherlands(NAI) and is completed.
- Case Management of an Insurance dispute between a Shipowner and a Norwegian insurance company concerning nonpayment of a claim under the insurance cover. This arbitration took place in Oslo and has resulted in a successful solution for our client.
- Case Management of a Dutch subcontractor and a Dutch shipyard concerning a dispute over additional work and a so-called delay & disruption claim. Arbitration took place in the Netherlands (NAI) under Dutch Law. The arbitration started in 2003 and has been concluded in 2006.
- Case Management of an almost identical case as mentioned above. Also, for a Dutch subcontractor versus a Dutch shipyard concerning a dispute over additional work and a so-called delay & disruption claim. Arbitration was held in London under Dutch Law and English procedural Law. Arbitration started in 2003 and was concluded in 2006.
- Case Management for a Dutch Architectural Design Company who had a claim involving an English project developer. It has been attempted by applying(legal) pressure within the UK to force a settlement with the project developer, but unfortunately this did not result in a satisfactory solution. It has been decided to withhold from any further legal actions within the UK.
- Project-coach for a dispute between an English / Dutch subcontractor and an English shipyard. The support varied from review and preparation of supporting documentation for claims to preparing and discussing negotiation strategies. It has been avoided that the conflict escalated in a legal battle, moreover, the legal pressure has assisted in coming to an amicable agreement. The final agreement was very successful for our client.
- Project-coach supporting a consortium of contractors, who have been awarded part of the installation works on a railroad new building project in The Netherlands. By creating and issuing a number of claim dossiers, an attempted has been made to build pressure with the other party to see whether an amicable settlement can be made. Negotiation discussions are ongoing. If this does not result in a settlement, an arbitration will be started with the NAI.